• Lovingly restored with new hard wearing faux leather case
  • The interior is the original and dates from the late 1920st
  • Superb collection of 16 electrodes
  • Sensations - low to high
  • Has Dual Controls for buzz and power - an excellent range
  • Works on 120V or 240V (UK, USA and Worldwide)

This lovely Felma comes with a wide range of strange and powerful electrodes - it should really feature in a film - the ferrari of Violet Wand devices - beautiful and deadly and a real crowd puller.

This particular Felma has been fully restored, with new capacitors, cables and a lovely new case covering - in a black faux leather. The interior cotton velvet is the original and in very good to excellent condition.

The tray in the base is removable and there is a small amount of room for extra storage.

Power is controlled by two knobs

  1. The upper one controls the buzz - from zero to low to high - so almost independently from the power control, you can get a low or a high buzz - many smaller units just have this control to modify the power
  2. The lower knob controls a rheostat - and we have re wound it - to give a power range from virtually zero to high - vastly superior to the original

Most violet wands only contain either one or the other controls. So this gives an unrivalled range of sensations from a low buzz (low to high power) to high buzz (low to high power) - and various other combinations

Unusually, in the wand handle is a RED button which allows you to stop the sparks while you change electrodes - a feature unique to felma at this time.

Naturally we have carried out a full electrical restoration - as we do with all our devices. . We have re insulated all the internal wiring - replaced all the capacitors, cleaned the breakers, tuned the unit and replaced the old cables with new flexible pvc in useful lengths - and so forth.

For our overseas customers, we can fit any plug you like (within reason) for free


Attachments in the Lid

  • Tongue -double insulated shaft
  • Anal
  • Razor - very fearsome - originally a Nasal Electrode - double insulated shaft
  • SPIRAL - for the heart
  • Metal Tube - originally held in the hand and used in "Secondary Contact" - at your own risk
  • Fulgurator - very intense with a wire tip at the end - originally used to remove warts
  • Neck / Throat - or anything curved
  • EXOTIC Ear electrode - quite large and unusual - very buzzy but mild - double insulated tip
  • Massage Tube
  • Back of Throat - very intense even when pressed against the skin - double insulated shaft

Attachments in the base

  • Prostrate
  • Comb - very sensual with seven points of contact - for the scalp and originally baldness
  • Double Eye - keep them closed if you choose to use this one
  • Amplifier - an excellent intense massage electrode with a metal plate inside
  • Cataphoric - also used for the nipples
  • Mushroom - an excellent general purpose electrode
  • Wand Handle and RED BUTTON with 2m of flexible pvc cable
  • Mains cable - 2m flexible pvc
  • Control Unit with knobs for power and frequency - built into the case



Width 37cm Depth 27cm Height 13cm     ( Imperial - 15.4in 11.2in 5.4in ) Weight - 3.6Kg   ( 7.92lb )
Exotic Felma 16 Violet Wand





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